8 Basic Fly Fishing Tips for Beginners

8 Basic fly fishing tips for beginners

Fly fishing is a fishing type which requires knowledge, the correct gear and of course, plenty of practice in order to completely master it. If you’re a beginner, you might find yourself a bit lost and overwhelmed when looking for fishing tips online, since there are so many things to consider.

If you came here looking for fly fishing tips, this is the right place. We’ve gathered the most essential things to keep in mind when going out fly fishing as a beginner. This isn’t just basic advice which we’ve made up, as these are tips from real fishing professionals, who’ve like you, started from nothing as beginners.

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In this article, we will give out the basic tips for the aspiring angler looking to practice fly fishing.

The best fly fishing tips to keep in mind if you’re a beginner

Look for guidance

The quickest way to learn about the secrets of fly fishing is to look for advice from local angler in your area. The most important thing is to know which flies work best in your waters.

If you don’t have anyone to get info from, you can of course go out there with a net yourself and see what you can catch, to later use in fishing. This can be insects, nymphs, as well as other aquatic life, depending whether you find yourself in a lake or a river.

Teach yourself how to tie

This is a basic, but essential thing. Start with a bigger fly to attach like larvae or worms to your hook. This will give you an understanding and help you to develop confidence in your basic technique.

When fish aren’t biting...

Sometimes no matter how hard you try, fish just won’t go for the bait. The tip here is to try to go deeper with your flies. Try attaching a bit more weight, so that it would sink faster.

Don’t trouble yourself with lost flies

Accidents happen, so a loss of a fly is not the end of the world. Simply attach another one and try again. Of course, have a few spare ones in your fishing kit, just in case you make a mistake.

Color matters

Shiny and bright colors make your fly more distinctive and noticeable in the water. Many professionals say that the color red is essential as it’s one of the most attention-grabbing out there.

Time of year and weather

Nature conditions can do a lot with how well your fishing trip goes and the same applies when catching with flies. If you’re going for cold water fish like trouts, it’s best to use heavier flies and in darker colors.

Practice makes perfect

The most important tip of course, is to spend time practicing your fly fishing technique. Even if you aren’t planning to catch anything, you can just travel with your rod to a potential fishing spot and practice keeping the line straight with a dummy fly and a clipped off hook.

Fish in spots that don’t tire you

Some journeys are longer than others and take more time to catch what you’re looking for. Pros often emphasize fishing in spots like the side of a current, behind rocks or obstructions and never up or downstream, which may easily tire you out if fishing for longer.

We hope that these tips made it a bit more clearer on how to practice fly fishing. If you’re looking for essential fishing gear, make sure to check out our shop. Otherwise, good luck on your next fishing trip!

Fly fishing