A short guide for choosing the right fishing bucket

A short guide for choosing the right fishing bucket

A quality bucket is an essential item to have on your fishing journeys, however, since it’s such a basic piece of equipment, most anglers don’t really pay attention to what they purchase. We disagree and think they should.

Not only is this the most efficient way to carry your bait, especially if it’s a large amount, it can also be a good container that ensures t it stays fresh throughout your journey.

In this article we will talk about some of the main things to keep in mind when considering a proper fishing bucket - a simple, yet essential piece of equipment for an angler at any level.

Choosing your bucket type

The first main thing to consider is the type of bucket that best fits your needs. Each of them has a unique shape, resulting in varying degrees of practicality and purposes that one may use them.

We discuss them below

  • Cylinders or round shape buckets - traditional cylindrical buckets are typically the best when it comes to preparing your bait for an upcoming fishing trip and then carrying it to your fishing spot. Sometimes bait preparation takes extra ingredients and time, so its best do that in a good quality bucket
  • Square and rectangular buckets - their square shape offers additional practicality for carrying bait or other fishing essentials since it’s easier to store them in a car or boat. Often, they can double as your work surface while preparing for a throw as well.
  • Buckets with trays - these are perfect to carry multiple types of bait in the same container without them having to mix together. As we all know, different baits can get mixed up together which is not ideal, this variant offers an alternative.
  • Collapsible buckets - this is ideal for those that don’t have the space to spare, but still want a container for mixing and storing bait. Typically, these choices are the most popular when it comes to pole fishing.

Often, buckets come with useful extras that you might want to consider, we talk about them below.

What attachments you will need

  1. Riddles - a perfect extra to make sure that your bait mixture is ready for immediate use.
  2. Trays - as mentioned, these can help make sure that your different bait doesn’t mix together and everything stays in their separate containers.
  3. Tool holders - these holders act as attachments on the bucket itself and can be used to store tools that you will use most often on your journey.

All in all

Today we’ve talked about how to choose the perfect bucket for your fishing trips. While a very basic item indeed, it is still essential, which is why having a practical choice is so important.

Coarse fishing