Aim big: How to catch bigger fish with advice from pros

Aim big: How to catch bigger fish with advice from pros

For most anglers, the size of the catch does not matter that much, since it's the process itself which makes fishing such an attractive activity in the first place. 

However, after a long period of being empty-handed with few bites, hauling a big catch brings great joy,  knowing that all of your efforts were not in vain.

Of course, getting that big catch is not as simple as “pull and wind” since bigger fish tend to put up a much stronger fight. Having the right equipment as well knowing the right tactics will be the keys to success in this case.

In this article, we will dive into some advice that pro anglers share regarding hauling a bigger catch which you can use for your next fishing journey.

Importance of a parallel position

Your fishing position can make a huge difference in terms of success. Anglers suggest positioning yourself parallel to the water as well trying to keep the rod as low as possible not to attempt a pull too soon.

Wait until the fish is as near to the bank as possible and then strike.

Gripping your rod the correct way

Another important thing in terms of tactics is having a good grip on your rod. Pros suggest using one hand to properly grip the rod just above the reel while using your second to add or decrease pressure when you’re fighting the fish.

When encountering an especially feisty catch, this allows more flexibility in terms of adding more resistance, thus increasing your chances of success.

Upwards angle can be useful

Sometimes it’s useful to try quick pulling, especially if you’re angling in more difficult conditions. Weedy areas can make catching bigger fish much more challenging, which means that you’ll have to think of ways of bringing them towards a more open area.

If you know that the area where the fish bit is weedy one, it might be smart to do a quick upwards pull to send a signal of danger to the fish, convincing it more elsewhere, to an area more suitable for you.

All in all

Here we talked about some advice you might want to consider when “going big” with your angling. While certainly a heftier challenger, the joy of catching a big one after a long period of frustration is often unmatched.

We hope you found some of these tricks useful and good luck to your future angling endeavours!