How to find the perfect fishing pole to purchase

How to find the perfect fishing pole to purchase

Fishing poles can be one of the most versatile tools at every angler’s disposal. However, it’s a fact that choosing the right that best fits your fishing needs and habits can be quite tricky, especially if you don’t know much about what to look for.

There are many varieties out there built for different purposes and coming at different price ranges, so in order to find the best one, you must know exactly what you are looking for.

In this article we will discuss a few main aspects regarding fishing poles and how to find the right one that you’re looking for.

The most important thing to look for is balance

As you probably already know, fishing poles come in different weights and sizes, but those factors are only part of the package. The main thing here is finding a fishing pole that has the right balance for you.

This means you have to consider things like the strength of the pole, its stiffness, and last but not least - its weight. Using a lighter pole might not always be the best choice, since it often compromises the other factors which may ruin balance.

So, finding just the right fit is key in this case.

Finding the best value for money

Like with any kind of fishing equipment, you’ll likely be looking for the best possible value for your money, especially if you don’t fish much and simply want to purchase the best tool available on the market.

Many angling shops offer not only poles themselves, but pole packages, which can include additional useful things that you will no longer have to pay for. These can come with a holdall included, a potting kit and many other goodies which would require additional spendings.

Pole length that’s just right for you

Poles typically come in at a few standard lengths. A 16 meter pole is considered to be the standard option, however, many beginners find it a bit frustrating trying to operate it, which is why a 13 or 14,5 meter option often suits them better.

Another thing to consider is the ideal length in terms of your fishing spot as well. Sometimes a shorter pole is better if the distance from where you cast isn’t that far and vice versa.

Try out different options before you buy

Our best advice would be for you to simply head out there and try different options out for yourself. Many angling shops will be more than willing to help you try out different variants, lengths and packages to let you see what works for you best.

All in all

In this article, we’ve discussed the main things to know about purchasing a fishing pole. Length, balance and of course, value for money are the most important things in this case and in order to find the best one to purchase, we highly recommend trying out different variants to see what works best for you.

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