Spring salmon fishing: things to know

Spring salmon fishing: things to know

For many anglers catching a spring salmon, otherwise known simply as a springer, is often one of the most valuable goals. 

While it certainly takes a large amount of effort to do, as it is considered to be one of the smartest species out there, with proper technique, preparation and patience, success in catching them is guaranteed.

In this article, we will be looking at some the most important things you need to know regarding catching spring salmon from where to look for them, some tested techniques and how to prepare in terms of equipment

Where to look for spring salmon?

In Ireland and the UK, the earliest month you can begin angling for salmon is January, with most of the best known salmon fishing venues coming to life in February.

If you don’t have much previous salmon catching experience, your best bet would be to try rivers, especially when the warmer part of season is beginning to shape up. However, there are some additional things to keep in mind as well.

Experts recommend first to consider the passing winter season as an indicator where you can locate the most salmon. Warmer winters will mean that the fish will station themselves further up the river, and will migrate much faster.

Likewise, if the passing winter was much colder with water dropping to sub zero temperatures often, the fish will migrate much slower, which means that your best bet would be to go for them in the middle or lower part of the river.


Spring salmon fishing techniques

In terms of technique, weather should also be considered as one of the key factors. Colder temperatures of the water will mean that the salmon will be much slower in their movement and will probably be settling in deeper parts of rivers.

A safe bet would be to go for a longer rod that allows you to properly control your fly speed, since quickness will be absolutely necessary for a successful catch. Of course, patience will also play a huge part as most of the time you will be lying low with your setup.

In terms of that setup, professionals also suggest placing your rod at the right angle. A 90 degree angle will ensure that you have a comfortable placement of your rod with a controlled swing and the ability to cover more water.

Choosing the right gear

Finally, there’s gear to consider. Proper preparation involves not only your fishing equipment, but also clothing and other comfort products.

Here are the main things you should be focusing on.

  • Lines - in terms of your fishing line, your safest bet would be to go for a tip and line system that’s specifically designed for salmon fishing. This way, you will be able to comfortably control the depth that you’re going for, absolutely key when catching springers.
  • Fly - professionals suggest going for something that’s really attractive and not being afraid of trying even more radical choices in terms of the coloring and shape itself. Also, be sure that your fly has enough weight for proper depth and swing speed control.
  • Bait - a variety of options can work here. Since salmon are a predatory species, shrimp or flying C can work wonders. Of course, a bait mix is worth considering as well since it enhances the odor of your bait.
  • Clothing - early months of spring are not always welcoming in terms of weather, so having proper, multi-layer clothing is key to stay warm for an extended period of time. Waterproof options should also be considered as well since they ensure further comfortability.

All in all

Today we’ve talked about some key things to have in mind when it comes to spring salmon angling. While certainly a challenging species, proper preparation and being patient will allow you to catch one of the most prized fishes out there.

Fly fishing