How to choose a fish finder: things to focus on

How to choose a fish finder: things to focus on

Fish finders are special devices which can be of crucial help to any keen angler. They act as locators for fish and help fishermen anticipate upcoming environmental challenges.

However, there are many manufacturers and products to choose from, plus there’s the technical side of these devices to consider. Too much information, especially for new anglers might come off as confusing, thus making the choosing process much more difficult than it otherwise should be.

In this article, we’ve simplified a few key elements that you should focus on when considering a fish finder. This way, you won’t have any difficulties finding the right product.

So, without further adieu, let’s dive into it.

Frequency type and range

Arguably the most important thing when choosing a fish finder is to consider the frequency range in which it operates and the type of signal it’s transducer produces.

Low frequency finders are typically equipped with a 50-83 kHz frequency wave, ideal for those that are frequently involved in deep water fishing, meaning it’s quite a popular choice among professional and commercial anglers.

On the other end of the spectrum, higher frequency finders produce a 192-200kHz signal, meaning they are a far better choice for shallow water fishing.

Another thing to note is that, the higher the frequency of the transducer, the more detailed data you will get. Some more expensive variants can produce a dual signal of over 400kHz resulting in the extremely accurate data and clear depictions of the underwater surface.


Wattage or power of fish finders is another crucial aspect of the product. To put it simply, the more powerful your tool, the faster and more accurate readings you get.

Less powerful variants, while a bit cheaper, should not be immediately dismissed, since they can still be of great help if the area that you’re planning to fish in is small and shallow. 

Fewer watts of power means a slower traveling wave and less accurate reading, however, it's more than enough for a simple job.

Some finders have the ability to work on multiple frequency lengths, meaning that you simply can adjust the signal to the water that you're fishing in and you’ll have no problems picking up the right data.

Resolution of your screen

A pixel can be considered a very tiny dot that you see on your screen. The higher the resolution, the more of these dots you will be able to see, resulting in a higher and clearer quality picture of the finder’s readings.

Having the right resolution is crucial, which is why many professionals recommend going for at least a 240x160 screen resolution if you’re on a tight budget, but even then, the readings might come off as blocky to some.

If you’re looking for a backup finder, then these are a no-brainer, since you can use them if your main one malfunctions. However, if you’re looking for one that you will use on the regular, a big screen is a must.

Colour and non-colour display

Colour screens have been the standard for many types of consumer electronics, including fish finders, allowing you to see a clear view of the area that you’re fishing in. Of course, you shouldn’t dismiss the old school black and white variants that are still available on the market.

If you’re on a tight budget, this exact type of finder might just be ideal for you, however, if you can allow it, be sure to go for a colour screen any time it's available.

All in all

In this article we’ve talked about fish finders and given a few simple tips on how to select the perfect one. Consider your budget and of course, go for the best one that’s available, with your screen and signal being the main focal points.

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