Catching Tench: a few things to keep in mind
For many, summer is that time of the year to run away from their everyday worries and completely recharge. Us, keen anglers, also like to enjoy a bright and sunny summer day, albeit a bit differently.
We know perfectly well that doing the early morning rise gets us in the best position to catch quintessential species of British fish - the Tench.
However, even an experienced person should always remember when catching this type of fish. In this article, we will talk about just that - the main things to keep in mind when aiming for tench.
Choosing the right location to angle
More experienced fishermen already know that selecting a fishing spot can make or break a fishing trip. For starters, look out for any spot in the water that has that famous Tench bubble. Typically, they come up looking for food right at first dawn.
Your best bet is to look out for clear spots in between weedy areas, since that’s what they usually inhabit. You can even rake the spot and clear out some weeds for your own benefit. This will stir up the water and make your bait more visible as well.
Go with what works best for you
There isn’t one universal way for catching tench and the methods you use are solely a preferential matter. However, some can be more practical than others depending on what type of fishing spot you’ve selected.
The two most commonly used methods are either float or feeder fishing. We recommend trying both of them and see what works for you best on that day.
Bait depends on the time of the year
Many fishing professionals agree that catching a tench during different times of the year also requires a few bait options to consider. During the hot summer days larger baits should be your first choice, whereas smaller baits will be sufficient during spring or autumn.
Of course, other factors like the fishing spot and weather conditions need to be considered as well, but these are a few tips to start off.
Bottom bait usually works best
Many professionals agree that catching trench either at surface level or mid level is far more difficult than it might seem at first. Typically, the safest strategy is to aim for the bottom of the water, creating an inviting trail of food for the fish to feed on.
If you’re not sure what bait to go for, pellets or boilies can be your material of choice to make up the ball. Bait often and build your feeding ground slowly over time. This way, you’ll increase the chance that tench will stay at your intended spot and go for what you’ve got hooked-up.
Consider prebaiting
Some fishermen have reported that prebaiting helps them significantly when going for tench. Visiting your spot a couple of days beforehand or at least 24 hours before your trip and placing bait a couple of times, will lead to the fish learning that food can be found there.
This, of course, significantly increases the chances of your success. Naturally, you’ll want to keep this a secret from your fellow colleagues, so that you yourself could enjoy the benefits of your efforts.
All in all
In this article we’ve discussed a few essentials to know before heading out on your tench catching trip. Patience and good preparation is key in this case, but overall this shouldn’t be a fishing journey that’s too challenging.