How to get more bites with a well-balanced angling setup

How to get more bites with a well-balanced angling setup

Every angler would probably agree that getting a successful bite is one of the most satisfactory parts of the whole process. However, there are some days where we feel that nothing goes our way.

Most likely, this has to do less with luck, but your angling setup used as well as your general technique. While definitely frustrating, learning proper hooking is never too late.

We’ve written this article because of exactly this.

Today we will learn all that you need to know involving adapting better habits and strategies that can result in catching more fish and doing so more efficiently. 

Eventually, all of these things will become natural to you, so it's best to start learning about the very basics that you can start improving on.

First things first, how can you better notice an incoming bite?

Anticipating and recognizing a bite when it happens might seem easier than it actually is. Different techniques will provide different indicators, so every angler looking to catch more fish should be vary of them.

In float fishing, the float itself is the signal for a bite happening, while in different techniques your fishing line, the tip of the rod or a bite alarm may act as a signaling device.

It’s also important to know that different species of fish may also bite in different ways. Smaller bites are much more difficult to identify and act upon, meanwhile in some cases, the bites come with such force that your entire rod risks submerging underwater.

The best thing you can do in this case is having a proper, well-balanced setup in accordance with the species they're going for which will allow you to better indicate and thus increase your chances of a successful catch.

The importance of having the right float

An oversized float will need a big tug on the hook and line to pull it under. This could mean a fish has been eating your bait without your knowledge. You could have been sitting there for a long time with no bait on your hook – very frustrating indeed.

Similarly, if you are using a very light and sensitive float then the slightest nibble will have the float going under, meaning you may be striking way too early and before the fish have had a chance to explore your bait.

If you are struggling with your float selection, start at the lighter and smaller end and work your way up to find the most suitable float for the conditions.

Don’t forget hooks

A hook is another key element in your setup. While the rest of your setup may be very well done, simply not having a hook that’s sharp enough may be a crucial thing that’s preventing you from getting more bites.

Even if you eventually manage to land one, the fish may simply slip away since the hook wasn’t sharp enough to hold on to the fish.

Professional anglers recommend checking your hook for sharpness on a regular basis, even making sure it’s right after every catch you perform. A hook sharpener is a simple tool that you should always have in your arsenal just in case.

Another thing to keep in mind is the size of the hook, which can be extremely difficult to master for inexperienced anglers. A bigger species will not necessarily mean a bigger hook size used, as it’s typically recommended to choose a hook size depending on the bait that you will use.

Correct shotting techniques to follow

Professionals agree that keeping it simple should be the name of the game when it comes shotting a float. Typically, you’ll see a clear indicator on the side of the float telling you how much weight you need to achieve the right balance.

Staying as close as possible to this indicator is the best way to ensure that you get correct bite indications with your setup. Too much weight may duck your float too much, making it more difficult to see its tip, meanwhile not enough weight may result in a bait that’s too sensitive.

The right balance will make it easier to see and anticipate the happening in the area that place your float on.

All in all

Today we’ve given a few tips from professionals that will help you to readjust your technique and hopefully get more success on your fishing trips. While such things may seem small at first, developing these habits is crucial in the long run.

Coarse fishing