All you need to know about catching Perch.
Perch are one of the most unusual looking fish that can be found in almost every bit of freshwater across the globe. A nicely conditioned big perch is truly one of natures natural wonders. They have magnificent scale patterns, including the characteristic black stripes, bright red fins and to top it all off, a big spiny dorsal fin, which gives the Perch a belligerent appearance.

General info:
Perch are a predatory species of fish and using artificial lures is one of the most enjoyable ways to catch them. Perch can grow to over 2.5 kilograms given the right conditions, but are usually much smaller with a fish of 40 centimeters generally considered a prize catch. Huge shoals can be located and they can be caught on almost every cast. Early mornings and late evenings (Dawn and Dusk) are the best times for targeting the larger specimens.
Perch tackle requirements.
A basic set-up will do to start out with, depending on your budget and includes some of the following.
Rod - 2.1 Meter Spin/jig, Casting weight up to 12 grams.
Reel - 2000 sized spinning reel.
Mainline - 0.10mm diameter braid.
Leader - 8lb breaking strain Fluorocarbon.
Small snap links for quickly changing lures.
Forceps or hook disgorger, and a landing net for when you hook the big one.
Boat and shore.
Fishing from a boat will usually require heavier lures jig heads, Vib blades or spintails, dropshot etc. are great for searching through the deeper water. Bouncing the lures across the bottom of the lake or riverbed are proven methods for success. Fishing from the shore or bank is where the lighter jigs, spinners, crankbaits etc. come into play.

Water temperature and lure presentation.
In the summertime with higher water temperatures, the Perch will happily chase down fast-moving lures. Sometimes, very aggressive jerking with the rod can induce savage bites on the pause. During the Winter months when the water cools down, fish become less active and a much slower presentation of the lure is what's needed. Sometimes, only a static presentation will get a bite. This is when the Dropshot method comes into play as it's possible to dangle a stationary lure in the kill zone for a longer period, giving the Perch plenty of time to make its mind up if it wants to bite.
If all else fails.
The most enjoyable part of lure fishing is working through your lure box, chopping and changing the lures and methods until you find what the Perch want. This can vary widely from day to day and even from hour to hour, depending on many different factors including changing light conditions, air pressure fluctuations etc. Keep changing styles to keep the bites coming. When all else fails then maybe it's time to try the Perch's favorite snack. A big juicy lobworm on the drop-shot will normally get a bite even on the most difficult of days.

David Dennis